• will

    my mom likes my brother more

  • Mistress Mommy

    I think it’s actually natural for a mother to pick favorites. In fact,I have two children..my son is misbehaved,talks back,and unruly..while my daughter is well behaved. This is the cause of my favortism actually. I detest a child who is disrespectful and disobediant. Strangely enough,people have this sick habit of blaming the mother for the child’s personality..telling them THEY are the ones doing everything wrong. I completely disagree..I am will to shower a child with loving praise in exchange for obediance. He keeps going down this path,and my will wont have his name on it..point blank.

  • Parenting Partner? Exploring the Caregiver Relationship

    […] that love is not a finite quantity that gets divided when multiple parties are involved. You don’t love your first child less when you have your second child, and your children don’t love you less when they have a nanny.  […]

  • brandon

    Thanks for the dose of (not so?) common sense from Dr Borba. It actually lets me know things that I’ve started focusing on lateley are Dr. Approved. Awesome photo as well, who took that?

  • Mae

    A nice reminder. I have one “perfect” child and one who was more “challenging” until I read “How to Raise Your Spirited Child.” The book helped me tremendously!! I also like remember a wisdom my mother once shared: you were all my favorites at different times and different places. 🙂