Mother Company Father's Day Ideas 7

Daring a Road Trip with your Kids

Road trip on the horizon? Anxiety about what to do with energetic children wanting to get to the destination yesterday? Never fear. Read on for ideas about what to do to keep your children, and even yourself, having fun for hours!


Five Tips to Make Parenting Easier

Want to improve your mothering game? Read on for five tasty tips from psychotherapist, Dr. Tina Payne Bryson.


Halloween — Ban the Booty?

Robin Miller, best-selling cookbook author, nutritionist, and star of The Food Network television show “Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller”, shares her advice on how to deal with all the tootsie rolls, milky ways, and smarties coming our way.


Halloween and the Importance of Make-Believe

Halloween lurks, and the excitement is tangible. Why do kids love getting dressed-up? Does this kind of make-believe serve our children on deeper levels beyond just the fun factor? Dorothy Singer, research scientist and author shrieks a blood-curdling, “Yes!”


Happy Mother’s Day! Four Experts Give Tips to Get Well-Behaved Kids!

The top gift mothers want for mother’s day this year? “Well-behaved children,” according to a recent TMC poll. So as our gift to you, we offer a bunch of parenting tips from top child development experts – with no tax and free shipping! Happy Mother’s Day to you all – we love being a part of this community.


In Search of the Holiday Spirit

A personal essay from parenting expert Jennifer Waldburger, who describes her journey to reclaim the Holiday magic of childhood.


Love and Marriage…and Kids

How important is it to make a real point of showing love to your partner in front of the children? “Very!” says Dr. Laura Markham.


Making Memories instead of Materialism

Unless it’s a puppy, will your child remember gifts from this holiday season, or the memories made? At The Mother Company, we’re banking on sweet recollections. We offer up eleven ways to create ritual that lead to family bonding from Susan Newman, Ph.D.


Pass the Gratitude, Please

Our littles might have high expectations for special gifts right about now, but what about the thanks? Annie Zirkel, author of “You’ll Thank Me Later – A Guide to Raising Grateful Children (& Why That Matters)” shares her ideas about instilling gratitude in the next generation.


The Art of Manliness

Brett McKay, founder and editor of the popular blog The Art of Manliness, turns to the ancients for his definition of what it is to be a man and father in the modern world.