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How to Play an Active Role in Abuse Prevention

It’s critically important for a parent to play an active role in abuse prevention. We outline some steps to help protect your child from being victimized including red flags and grooming techniques that abusers use that can go unnoticed.


Parenting While Caring for Aging Parents

As people are living longer and raising kids later in life, many parents are struggling with the particular demands of parenting teens while caring for their aging parents. Judy Zexter, psychotherapist and teen parenting expert, breaks down the challenges and urges parents to practice self care.


How Your Child Makes Friends

Making friends can be rough. How can we help our little ones learn how to make lasting, healthy friendships and walk away from the damaging ones they will inevitably experience? Pediatric psychologist and author, Lynne Kenney, lays the foundation.


How to Navigate the Teen Years

The teenage years do not need to be fraught with screaming fights, chronic friction or exaggerated rebellion. Parenting expert, Judy Zexter, shares tips to help guide parents of teens.


Bully-proofing Our Children

Education consultant, Ellen Sanchez shares some valuable tools for how children can handle bullying, when to get help and the distinction between tattling and reporting.


Separation Anxiety and School

Both parents and children have big feelings about the first day of school. Mary Hartzell, a longtime early childhood educator, wrote an article about the separation anxiety felt by both parent and child.


14 Small Ways I Practice Self Care

Abbie Schiller, CEO and founder of The Mother Company, shares tips for self care and why, as parents, it is so necessary to put on our own oxygen mask first.