How NOT to Parent Your Child When They Become a Big Sibling

  I was five and a half when my sister was born. “Your life will …

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How to Get Your Kids to Stop Fighting

We all want peace and harmony in our families, but as every parent knows: kids fight. So what should exasperated parents do when their kids just will not play nice? Dr. Laura Markham offers us invaluable advice on how to manage sibling conflict and create a more peaceful environment for everyone in the family.

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How to Get Your Siblings to Get Along

As much as we want our kids to get along, the truth is, all siblings fight. It can be exhausting trying to keep things calm. Noël Janis-Norton, author of Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting, sheds light on creating peace between siblings–by staying out it!


How to Motivate Your Child

Got a kid who doesn’t seem interested in sports, art or other activities? Drags his feet at doing chores? Can’t finish what she starts? Our expert, Dr. John Mayer, helps us figure out how to light an appropriate fire under our flock’s behinds.

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How to Say “No” to Your Kids and Why They’ll Thank You Later

No one enjoys saying “No” to their kids – the tantrums, the whining – it can be tempting to just give in. But what does giving in really teach our children? Child development and behavioral specialist Betsy Brown Braun explains how best to say “No” and why your children will reap the benefits in the long term.


How to Stop The Whining

Sometimes we just can’t take it anymore!I We asked (okay, begged) parenting guru Betsy Brown Braun to reveal the secret to get our kids to stop whining. Pleeeeeeeease???


Join our “Motherboard” To Get Your Questions Answered!

Get YOUR parenting questions answered by our league of amazing experts. Read on to see some of the Motherboard questions we’ve already answered and write your own question in the comments so we can get on it!


Join us for an Autism Expert Chat

We’re rounding up a group of professionals, bloggers and parents from within the Autism community to discuss the many issues facing parents of children with Autism. Join us!


Kids and Restaurants: Parents Duke It Out

Where do you stand on the debate about banning kids from certain restaurants? Sam Kurtzman-Counter, Exec VP of The Mother Company, shares a couple shocking restaurant experiences and investigates the culture of rabid judgment among parents.


Learning to Fight Fair

Grown-ups have a hard enough time fighting fair, so what do we do to help our kids deploy problem-solving skills? Dr. Heather Turgeon shares some valuable tools for helping our kids solve conflict.