Emotions (39)


Talking to Children About Death

Grief counselor, Laura Watts, shares helpful advice on how parents and caregivers can talk to children about death, what to expect if they are experiencing grief after a loss and ways to support the child going forward.


5 Ways to Boost Emotional Intelligence

Curious about your kid’s IQ? Studies show it’s best to concentrate on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) first. Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist and parenting specialist, offers useful tips on EQ and how to foster it.


A Simple Holiday: Fewer Toys and More Time

Feeling pressured to buy your child everything they want for the holidays? Kim John Payne shares why a ton of toys can be hazardous to your kid’s health!


Crafting a Healthy Competitive Spirit

How can we guide our kids to engage competitively in a way that builds resiliency and empowerment? Ashley Merryman, famed co-author with Po Bronson, of “NurtureShock,” shares her insight.


Cultivating Kindness in Our Kids

Have an aggressive kid? Dr. Beth Onufrak offers rich and deep information on what drives kids to be more domineering than others, and how to guide them towards kindness.


Developing a Child’s Self-Esteem

Ten insightful behaviors/attitudes to *avoid* if you want to raise your child with strong self-esteem with Wendy Young of Kidlutions.


Discussing Disaster With Our Children

Japan, Katrina, Southeast Asia and Thailand: it’s pretty scary to recount all the devastating natural disasters our world has faced in the past decade. What does the future hold for our little ones? When is the appropriate age to talk about how to react in an emergency, without engendering undue stress and fear? Melissa Brymer, Director of the Terrorism and Disaster Programs at the UCLA-Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, offers some helpful guidance through this difficult topic.


Fighting in Front of the Kids?

Should parents argue in front of their kids or keep it behind closed doors? Could there be any benefit for the little ones to witness parental conflict? Judith Sherven, PhD, an expert in conflict resolution, helps us work it out.