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Happy Mother’s Day! Four Experts Give Tips to Get Well-Behaved Kids!

The top gift mothers want for mother’s day this year? “Well-behaved children,” according to a recent TMC poll. So as our gift to you, we offer a bunch of parenting tips from top child development experts – with no tax and free shipping! Happy Mother’s Day to you all – we love being a part of this community.


Little Negotiators

Is negotiating with children a terrible loss of parental control, or can it be beneficial to developing healthy kids and healthy homes? Susan Stiffelman weighs both sides of the argument.

how to say no 0

How to Say “No” to Your Kids and Why They’ll Thank You Later

No one enjoys saying “No” to their kids – the tantrums, the whining – it can be tempting to just give in. But what does giving in really teach our children? Child development and behavioral specialist Betsy Brown Braun explains how best to say “No” and why your children will reap the benefits in the long term.


How Parental Worry Affects Our Kids

Worry and parenting seem to go hand-in-hand. Dr. Beth Onufrak says it’s the way parents cope with worry, that matters for our kids.


Four Tips to Defeat Back Talk and Sass

Is the back talk and sass emanating from your precious child’s mouth getting you down? Dr. Michele Borba shares four doable tips to turn that bad attitude around!



Are frights waking your child up in the night? We hear from two sleep experts, Jennifer Waldburger of Sleepy Planet, and Noel Janis-Norton of The New Learning Centre, about their take on how to help our children grapple with those horrible night-triggered fears.


The Breakdown on Big Feelings

It can be intimidating to cope with your child’s big feelings, but Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist specializing in relationship based parenting, provides some insightful age-appropriate tips to help parent and child get through to each other.


The Hard Parts of Parenting

Nobody told us parenting could be so tough! Abbie Schiller, CEO and Founder of the The Mother Company, relates, sharing her personal story of how the hard parts won’t get her down (at least not for long!)


Friday Round-Up: Five Top Tips for Discipline

Searching for a discipline toolbox filled with tidy tips powered up and ready to adjust any discipline technique? Read on valiant parent, and reach in. Your tools are waiting….